Bay of Fundy Nova Scotia Whale Watching Tours
Mariner Cruises is offering whale and seabird tours from June 14th to mid October, 2024.
Each cruise ranges from 2.5 to 4 hours in duration and departs from Westport on Brier Island, the Gateway to the Bay of Fundy.
Tours Depart Daily at 8:30 am, 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm.
Whale Watching Tour Fees (per person):
Adult (19 to 64 yrs) - $60.00.
Seniors (65 yrs and up) - $52.00.
Students (13 to 18 yrs) - $52.00.
Children (3 to 12 yrs) - $38.00.
Babies (2 yrs and under) - FREE.
Private Charter (Up to 50 people and 4 hours) - $2,000.00.
Enquire online and save 10% on your tour fee!
*Please note that prices do not include applicable sales taxes; contact us for school and group rates.
**Please note that Mariner Cruises reserves the right to cancel a cruise without notice. Cruises may not take place if the captain finds the weather conditions unsatisfactory or if the minimum passenger requirement is not reached. Please call ahead for tour status and departure information.
Whales, Dolphins, Seabirds and Seals
The waters off Brier Island and the Bay of Fundy are the summer feeding ground, nursery and play area for dozens of marine species, including whales, dolphins, seabirds and a colony of seals.

Strong tidal currents bring nutrients close to the surface, increasing the productivity of plankton. The plankton attracts large schools of herring and mackerel, which in turn provide food for the larger marine species..
The number and variety of shore and seabirds in and around Brier Island is nothing short of spectacular. In the fall, the island is a popular stopover for hundreds of migrating warblers, shorebirds and raptors. The prestigious adventure tour company, Field Guides International Incorporated of Austin, Texas suggests birders can "expect the unexpected - Brier Island offers unparalleled opportunities to study shorebirds up close."
In the late spring the finback and minke whales and harbour porpoises are the first to arrive from their southern breeding grounds. In June, the humpback whales return, and, by late June, are abundant. Also white-sided dolphins are often observed. By mid-July all five species are commonly sighted and usually remain until fall.

The endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, White-beaked Dolphins and Pilot Whales are ocassionally observed on our whale watching tours. Beluga, Sperm and Blue Whales are known to inhabit the region, but are rarely seen. There are also occasional sightings of Bluefin Tuna, Sea Turtles, Ocean Sunfish and Basking Sharks on our tours; bird species include Atlantic Puffins and several varieties of gannets, petrels, shearwaters and phalaropes.
It is important to note that each Mariner Cruises Whale & Seabird tour of the Bay of Fundy provides an opportunity (and often, a once in a lifetime opportunity) to observe firsthand some of the largest and rarest bird and animal species in the world. Observing their behaviour, in their natural environment, is a thrilling and rare privilege. Our captains and crew are committed to the preservation of this important eco-system and to providing a unique sea adventure with the minimum of disturbance to these magnificent creatures.
A Mariner Cruise also provides outdoor enthusiasts with an opportunity to experience the famous Bay of Fundy tides (the highest in the world), view ancient basalt rock formations, observe the Peter's Island Bird Sanctuary and gain insight into the local history and geology of the region. All cruises are narrated by experienced local naturalists.
Please Note: Sea breezes are common on Brier Island, but generally, days are mild, with cool nights. However, out on the Bay of Fundy temperatures can be 20 degrees cooler than on land. Please dress warmly!